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Encyclopedia > Saturn > Satellites > Methone & Pallene


Credit : NASA

Methone (Saturn XXXII) and Pallene (Saturn XXXIII) were discovered by the team of the Cassini spacecraft in June 2004 on the images sent by the probe. Their orbits lie between those of Mimas and Enceladus.

Methone (S/2004 S1) could be the same object as S/1981 S14 seen on images sent by the Voyager spacecraft.

 Methone   Pallene 
distance to Saturn in km 194 000 211 000
average size  3 km 4 km 
visual magnitude   18 18.5
revolution period 24 hr 26 hr
inclination of the orbit 
on the equator of Saturn
1.1° 1.1°
eccentricity of the orbit 0 0

Origin of the name : click here.