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Understanding > Learning and teaching


This page is dedicated to teachers and organizers of amateur associations wishing to present our knowledge on the solar system and the studies of the astronomers. 

This site may be used for that purpose thanks to the different levels of descriptions and explanations for teaching to beginners. It is possible to illustrate the description of the solar system, explanations on the astrometry, celestial mechanics, observational astrophysics, instruments and also to tell how the astronomy has progressed through our pages on the history of astronomy.

Specific pages present how astronomy is useful for everyday life: calendars, Easter date, phase of the Moon, rises and sets, prediction of phenomena such as eclipses. Calculations are possible on these pages allowing to understand easily how it works. 

Several levels of difficulty allow the reader to choose either a simple description of bodies and ohenomena or a more detailed explanation.  
The simple description is made for beginners, pupils, students and general public for initiation: for that just go to the chapters " Encyclopedia" (description of all bodies of the solar system), to "Discovery" (to discovery the landmarks of astronomy), "Space" (to follow the exploration of the solar system by space probes), "Observatories" (to make a tour in some observatories). In these pages, the beginners may learn the basis of the knowledge of solar system.
The pages "Understanding > Ephemerides" allowed to calculate calendars, seasons, phenomena and to know the next observable eclipses. This could be useful in classroom. 
The pages "Understanding > Fundamental concepts " and "Understanding > Knowing more" are dedicated to teachers or students at a higher level. 

In the page of Internet links, we propose links towards site specialized in many fields of astronomy providing more information on topics just described uin our pages.