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Welcome to the tour of the solar system

This site was made to propose a tour in the solar system. It is not made to present everything on solar system but to present each body related with the researches made in our laboratories at IMCCE and Paris Observatory. Of course, we will present all the classical data and knowledge but also some unusual results of researches.

This site has been designed by astronomers and students in order to satisfy a pedagogic and teaching need. The tour starts with very short and simple pages and at the end, more detailled explanations are given. The history of our knowledge of the solar system is present all along these pages.

This site is made for pupils and students as weel as for the teachers. It may be of interest for the general public looking for some information on the solar system. Some information on the astronomical observation is provided. Data and images are issued from the last results of the research in astronomical fields. Please fell free to send us comments in order to improve our site! have a good trip in the solar system!

Map of the site

The access to the solar system may be made with several ways on this site which has been divided in several chapters or ways to explore the solar system :
- the encyclopedic way where you will find all the data, parameters, characteristics and description body after body. The first pages are very short and simple; after that some tables are more complete. This way is presented as "Encyclopedia";
- the discovery way following the history of the progresses of our knowledge on the bodies of the solar system through outsatnding facts, dates and famous astronomers. This way is presented as "Discovery";
- the space adventure showing, through several space probes, the extraordinary progresses of our knowledge on some solar system bodies thanks to space missions going in situ for better observations. This way is presented as "Space".

A specific chapter presents some observatories involved in the solar system observation and research and having some relationship with our laboratories. It is presented as "Observatories".

A fourth chapter presented as "Understanding" is dedicated to:
- more detailed explanations on celestial mechanics, astrometry, ephemerides;
- the fundamental concepts in astronomy
- a planetologic and physical description of the solar system together with an history of observatories and of the discovery of the solar system.

Pages of general or teaching interest, internet links, index, glossary are provided at the end of the tour.

This site is autonomous and does not need an internet connection. It may be downloaded on a PC and used independantly withou connection. A few pages propose links to external site. In this case, the link includes the Internet address in order to prevent you to click if you are not connected. A specific page gathers all the Internet links worth of interest for solar system knowledge.

Download website for offline browsing.