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The data and results provided by the present site are issued from the works of astronomers worldwide. The data are considered as the most accurate at the date of the writing of the page (for some data fastly evoluting as the number of known asteroids, the date is indicated). Some numerical value are given with an uncertainty since it is not possible to know the real value. The value of some parameters may not be coherent from one page to another since some parameters may have different values depending on the use of it. It is the case of some physical parameters measured by the space probes: they are measured with a high accuracy but they may have been defined by the International Astronomical Union to a conventional value for a general use allowing further comparisons of the research works.  
This site contains about 900 pages and 1400 images (plus about 80 animations). The images are all original images extracted from recent or old studies. One will see the page "autthors, copyright" to know the origin of the images and the authors of the texts.

If you have problems reading the animations, click here.

This site is autonomous and does not need an internet connection. It may be downloaded on a PC and used independantly withou connection. A few pages propose links to external site. In this case, the link includes the Internet address in order to prevent you to click if you are not connected. A specific page gathers all the Internet links worth of interest for solar system knowledge.