Observatories > JIVE
The Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe was
formally established in 1993 by the Consortium
for VLBI in Europe. The Institute is located in
Dwingeloo, the Netherlands, and hosted by
ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy.
JIVE is a member of the EVN Consortium and is a
legal entity under the Dutch law. The
Institute is governed by the Board nominated by
the research councils and national radio
astronomy facilities of the Netherlands (NWO and ASTRON),
CNRS (France), MPIfR (Germany),
INAF (Italy), NAOC (PR China), NRF
(South Africa), IGN (Spain),
OSO (Sweden) and STFC (United Kingdom). The
Director of JIVE is Dr. Huib Jan van Langevelde.
The primary mission of JIVE is to operate and
further develop the EVN VLBI Data Processor.
JIVE is also involved in supporting EVN users and
operations of EVN as a facility. These
activities are conducted by a team of JIVE Support
Scientists. The Institute also carries
out a broad range of Research and Development
activities in VLBI-related fields, such as
radio astronomy data processing and innovative
applications of VLBI and radio astronomy
technologies. JIVE staff, consisting of about
20 PhD scientists, carries out a range of
cutting-edge research in various fields of
galactic and extragalactic radio astronomy,
planetary and space sciences.
The Institute is actively involved in a number
of large international projects, such as
the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project. In
several projects funded by the European
Commission, JIVE acts as a coordinator or a participant.