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Encyclopedia > Numbers about the solar system IV

Periods of sidereal revolution P
and of rotation T of the planets

 P (days)   
87.969 58.646 225 (1)
224.701 243.018 484 (1) ( 2)
365.256 23.934 471 (3)
686.980 24.622 962 (3)
4 332.59 9.924 920 (3) (4) (5)
10 759.2 10.656 222 (3) (4)
30 688.5 17.240 000 (2) (3) (4)
60 182.3 16.110 000 (3) (4)
90 469.7 153.293 904 (2) (3)

(1) in days.
(2) retrograde rotation .
(3) in hours.
(4) rotation of the magnetic field (system III).
(5) we have also T = 9.841 668 hours, rotation of the atmosphere at equator (system I)
    and T = 9.927 953 hours, rotation of the atmosphere at high latitudes (system II).
Credit : IMCCE