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Understanding > Astronomical calculations

Annular eclipse of the Sun of 3 October 2005

Presentation of the eclipse

  • Description of the eclipse
  • Local conditions
  • General map of visibility 

  • Description of the eclipse

    This eclipse is the fourth annular eclipse of the XXIst        century.


    It will be visible in partial form on nearly three continents (Europe, Africa and Asia). The central path starts in the North Atlantic Ocean, then passes successively through the following countries: northern Portugal, Spain, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, northeast of Chad, Sudan, south-western Ethiopia, Kenya and finally south Somalia. It ends in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

    Instant of the geocentric conjunction in right ascension : le 3 octobre 2005 à 10h 10m 40.846s UT ; jour julien : 2453646.9240838639

    Characteristics Values
    Right ascension of the Sun :  12h 37m 51.838s.
    Declination of the Sun : - 4°  4'43.91".
    Right ascension of the Moon :  12h 37m 51.838s.
    Declination of the Moon : - 3° 43'53.93".
    Equatorial parallax of the Sun  :  8.79".
    Equatorial parallax of the Moon : 55' 21.71".
    True semi-diameter of the Sun  : 15' 59.15".
    True semi-diameter of the Moon : 15'  5.10".

    General circumstances of the eclipse:
    Magnitude : 0.9792

    Local conditions(click below)

    General map of visibility

      click on the map to enlarge it