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Encyclopedia > Numbers about the solar system XIII


Orbital elements of the satellites: PLUTO

Name Number Semi-major axis in km Eccentricity Inclination (in degrees) Period (en days) Diameter in km Magnitude ap in arcsec Discovery
S/1978 P1
I 17 181 0.0 0.0 6.387230 1208 16.8 0.9 Christy/Harrington (1978)
S/2005 P2
II 48 675 0.002 0.04 24,85463 42 24.5 2.3 Weaver/Stern (2005)
S/2005 P1
III 64 780 0,005 0,22 38.20177 55 24.4 2.9 Weaver/Stern (2005)
S/2011 P1
IV 52 000 0.0 0 32.16756 13 25.7 2.7 Showalter et al. (2011)
S/2012 P1
V 45 000 0,0 0 20.16155 6 26.7 2.3 Showalter et al. (2012)
ap = maximal apparent distance to Pluto in arcsec
mean osculator elements for 2009; inclination on the equateur of Pluto; elements for Charon calculated from Tholen (Icarus 1997, volume 125 p. 245) and for Nix and Hydra calculated from Buie et al. (Astronomical Journal 2006, volume 132, p.290). For S/2011 P1, elements from CBET 2769.
Credit : IMCCE